Author of the Month

Please see the Author of the Month Message Board to engage our current featured author in discussion about their work.

Evidence for the Lost Advanced Ancient Civilisation
Hugh Evans
September 2024 Author of the Month
Ancient Indigenous America: Cahokia, Serpent Mound and the Newark Works
Taylor Keen
August 2024 Author of the Month
YUGA SHIFT: The End of the Kali Yuga & the Impending Planetary Transformation
Bibhu Dev Misra
July 2024 Author of the Month
Lost Knowledge
Walter Cruttenden
June 2024 Author of the Month
The End of the American Empire: The Challenges and Choices Facing the United States in the Twenty-First Century – and the Positive Change Needed to Save It
Patrick Watts
May 2024 Author of the Month
Nazca Lines welcomed migratory birds, not UFOs
Ben H. Gagnon
April 2024 Author of the Month
The Measure of the Cosmos: Deciphering the Imagery of Icelandic Myth
Petur Halldorsson
March 2024 Author of the Month
Visions of Atlantis: Reclaiming our Lost Ancient Legacy
Michael Le Flem
February 2024 Author of the Month
Alchemical Ayahuasca: Take the Journey from Depression to the Sweet Spot
Alan Francis Waugh
January 2024 Author of the Month
Karahan Tepe: The Winter Solstice, Fertility and the Genesis of Agriculture (Part 2)
Hugh Newman and JJ Ainsworth
December 2023 Author of the Month
Seeing Through the Smoke: A Cannabis Expert Untangles the Truth About Marijuana
Dr. Peter Grinspoon
November 2023 Author of the Month
Navigating the Labyrinth with Psychedelics
Katherine MacLean, PhD
October 2023 Author of the Month
Missing Knowledge: a prelude to ‘Yoga Beyond the Thinking Mind’
Simon G. Mundy
September 2023 Author of the Month
The Mystery of Doggerland
Graham Phillips
August 2023 Author of the Month
Searching for Osiris & The Tree of Life: Book 3 of the Ancient Cosmological Gods series
RN Vooght
July 2023 Author of the Month
The History of Creation
Normandi Ellis
June 2023 Author of the Month
We are So Much More Than We Know: Excerpted from Break Through the Limits of the Brain by Joseph Selbie
Joseph Selbie
May 2023 Author of the Month
Gods of the Bible: A new interpretation of the Bible reveals the oldest secret in history
Mauro Biglino
April 2023 Author of the Month
Meridians, measures and mystery: Sacred geography in the south of France
Simon M. Miles
March 2023 Author of the Month
Switching the Reality Channel: Psychedelics as tools for the discovery and exploration of new worlds
Andrew R. Gallimore
February 2023 Author of the Month
Embracing the Impossible
Mona Sobhani, Ph.D.
January 2023 Author of the Month
The Petroglyphs of Mu: Pohnpei, Nan Madol and the Legacy of Mu
Carole Nervig
December 2022 Author of the Month
The Key of Leedskalnin: The Complete Decryption of ‘A Book in Every Home’
RL Poole
November 2022 Author of the Month
Maps, Myths & Paradigms
Doug Fisher
October 2022 Author of the Month
My Atlantis and Aliens Odyssey and “The Graham Hancock Effect”
Robin Maxwell
September 2022 Author of the Month
Ecolibrium: The Sacred Balance in Islam
Nadeem Haque
August 2022 Author of the Month
The Unknown Gilgamesh
Yvonne Whiteman
July 2022 Author of the Month
Origins Of The Gods: Transdimensional Beings, Skinwalkers, And The Emergence Of Human Civilization
Andrew Collins, Gregory Little
June 2022 Author of the Month
Visionary, Chapter Fourteen: The Secret Commonwealth
Graham Hancock
May 2022 Author of the Month
The Empires Of Atlantis
Marco M. Vigato
April 2022 Author of the Month
The Great Goddess
Michael Michailidis, Adamantios Petritsis
March 2022 Author of the Month
Psychedelic Witchcraft and the Satanic Conspiracy
Tom Hatsis
February 2022 Author of the Month
The Roots Of The Human Mind: Our African Unconscious
Edward Bynum
February 2022 Author of the Month
Lost Stones Of The Anunnaki
Madeleine Daines
January 2022 Author of the Month
Scotland’s Hidden Sacred Past
Freddy Silva
January 2022 Author of the Month
Beyond Machine Man: Who we really are and why Transhumanism is just an empty promise!
Arne Klingenberg
December 2021 Author of the Month
A 5-year investigation of the implementation of the world’s first fully regulated cannabis market for pleasure in Colorado
Todd Subritzky
December 2021 Author of the Month
The Giants of Stonehenge and Ancient Britain
Hugh Newman and Jim Vieira
November 2021 Author of the Month
The Psychedelic Gospels: The Secret History of Hallucinogens in Christianity
Jerry B. Brown and Julie M. Brown
November 2021 Author of the Month
The Physics of God
Joseph Selbie
October 2021 Author of the Month
The Fingerprints of Language
Simon Prentis
September 2021 Author of the Month
Our Unknown Ancient Past: Thoughts and Reflections on the Unexplained Mysteries of Prehistory
Alexandros Angelis
August 2021 Author of the Month
The Great Pyramid Void Enigma
Scott Creighton
July 2021 Author of the Month
The Ancient Language of Sacred Sound
David Elkington
June 2021 Author of the Month
Secrets of the Druids: From Indo-European Origins to Modern Practices
Teresa Cross
May 2021 Author of the Month
The Lost Pillars of Enoch
Tobias Churton
April 2021 Author of the Month
COVID-19 and Humanity’s Spiritual Awakening
Forrest Rivers
March 2021 Author of the Month
Tayos: The Exploratory Saga Of The Most Fantastic Caves
Alex Chionetti
February 2021 Author of the Month
Insights: Steps to Truth
Mitra Politi
January 2021 Author of the Month