Links recommended by Message Board Users
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Cosmic Ancestry (Panspermia Theory)
Site containes articles by Sir Fred Hoyle and Prof. Chandra Wickramasinghe as well as many other resources devoted to this "life from space" theory.
About Wickramasinghe:
"Chandra Wickramasinghe, a former student of Sir Fred Hoyle, is a distinguished astronomer who has made important contributions to the theory of cosmic dust. In 1974 he first proposed the theory that dust in interstellar space and in comets was largely organic, a theory that has now been vindicated."
GIZA: The Truth (Ian Lawton's homepage)
Ian Lawton coauthored Giza: The Truth with Chris Ogilvie-Herald. The book attacked the the theories of John Anthony West and Robert Schoch regarding the antiquity of the sphinx (as indicated by patterns of erosion). West himself has published numerous rebuttals of these and other criticisms as part of a series called "Giza: The (Half) Truth". This site contains some of the correspondence between authors involved in this area of heated debate.
The Antiquity of Man
Presented here are summaries of current academic thinking, research projects and debates as well as information on the Author's book, written in reaction to Michael Cremo's best-selling "Forbidden Archeology" and "The Hidden History of the Human Race."
Velikovsky's "In the Beginning"
Series of articles Immanuel Velikovsky dealing with things like "The Hebrew Cosmogony" to "Astronomical Knowledge Before the Deluge" to "The Worship of Saturn".