The Official forums
The official discussion boards for 
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For serious discussion of the controversies, approaches and enigmas surrounding the origins and development of the human species and of human civilization. (NB: for more ‘out there’ posts we point you in the direction of the ‘Paranormal & Supernatural’ Message Board).

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23,698 434,831 February 20, 2025 06:49PM
Author of the Month

Join us at this forum every month for a discussion with famous popular authors from around the world.

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2,479 44,646 February 13, 2025 02:32AM

For the discussion of general and orthodox history from the advent of writing up to mid 20th Century, i.e. 3,200BC up to World War II.

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578 3,800 February 19, 2025 08:34PM
Global Village

For good-natured and mutually-respectful discussions of politics and current affairs. Soap-boxing and the promotion of extremist causes motivated by hate will not be tolerated by our moderators.

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24,060 437,954 February 20, 2025 07:09PM
Science & Space

For all that is Scientifically related to Cosmology and Space. (NB: Please take discussions about UFOs, possible Alien contact, Crop-Circles, Alien Abductions, Planet-X and Niburu to the ‘Paranormal and Supernatural’ Message Board).

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6,149 71,480 February 14, 2025 09:07PM
Inner Space

For discussions on all matters relating to personal development, religion, philosophy, psychology and so on.

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4,448 136,057 February 09, 2025 01:11AM
Paranormal & Supernatural

For discussions of everything that might be classed as ‘paranormal‘ - i.e. not currently accepted by our modern scientific paradigm.

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3,191 59,720 February 14, 2025 09:22PM
Gunpowder, Treason & Plot

This is the board for you if you wish to discuss or explore conspiracies of any kind, historical or current.

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2,343 38,195 February 08, 2025 12:59PM
Mature & Responsible

Disclaimer: This board is for serious discussions of a sensitive and controversial nature. Explicit content will not be tolerated, however open discussion of adult topics can be covered here. YOU MUST BE 18 OR OVER TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS BOARD. Note: Log-in required for access.

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928 12,664 January 01, 2025 06:39AM

A social and/or notice board and is not so much for discussing Grahams work, or related topics as covered by the other boards, but more like a place where people can share other things.

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7,272 72,385 February 20, 2025 12:50PM

“Who are we? The answer to this question is not only one of the tasks, but the task of science.”

Erwin Schrodinger, Science and Humanism.

Each day scientists learn more and more about our species and its past, often turning up new evidence that challenges the accepted views and received wisdom of long-established orthodoxy. But because we live in an 'Information Universe' it is no longer the professional academic alone who is privy to such disconcerting news. Since the advent of the worldwide web the old intellectual monopolies have been broken. Now we all have the opportunity, if we choose to take it, to challenge habitual assumptions and to play a part in piecing together the puzzle of who we are and of our forgotten past.

The Message Boards at have been made available to further this endeavour through lively debate and the sharing of focussed information. If you have a question or a unique idea of your own, post a note to the relevant message board and hear what others have to say about it. You never know - you may provide a missing piece of the puzzle. To register for an account that will allow you to post to all the Message boards, click here. N.B. DISCLAIMER: As is often the way with the internet, discussions can become heated and personal. Please note that by registering a posting account and participating in the community of our message boards you waive all right to take legal action or make threats of legal action against and Graham Hancock in person, or other members of the messageboard, for any comments, defamatory or otherwise, made about you by other posters. In this spirit, any member who posts threats of litigation against another poster will be subject to an immediate ban.

Disclaimer and complaints: Opinions expressed by Message Board participants are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of Graham Hancock or the web-editor and moderators. If you object strongly to the content of any message please send an email explaining why to the MessageBoard Moderation Team (email addresses can be found here) who will attempt to resolve your complaint swiftly and fairly. The decision(s) of the Moderating Team and Web-Editor are final and unconditional on any Message Board issues concerning Postings, Topics or Posters.

Code of Conduct

In order to maintain a friendly and constructive environment on the we have created a Code of Conduct that we ask posters to adhere to during their time on the message Boards. By posting at any message board, all Posters imply agreement with and adherence to this Code of Conduct.


By registration you agree to be bound by the following.

While the administrators and moderators of this forum will attempt to remove or edit any generally objectionable material as quickly as possible, it is impossible to review every message. Therefore you acknowledge that all posts made to these forums express the views and opinions of the author and not the administrators, moderators or webmaster (except for posts by these people) and hence will not be held liable.

You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, libellous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned (and your service provider being informed). The IP address of all posts is recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions. You agree that the webmaster, administrator and moderators of this forum have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should they see fit. As a user you agree to any information you have entered above being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent the webmaster, administrator and moderators cannot be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised.

This forum system uses cookies to store information on your local computer. These cookies do not contain any of the information you enter when registering, they serve only to improve your viewing pleasure. Unless you allow for visibility by other posters, the email address you provide is used only for confirming your registration details and password (and for sending new passwords should you forget your current one).

User account and registration

In order to post on one of the boards, registration is required. Click here to register if you have not already done so. Please note the following:

  • Please take note of the text as outlined in General.
  • Applicants using an anonymous surfing IP, blacklisted by Internet/Web Security web sites, will not be granted access.
  • Only one User Account is allowed per person, and it is preferable you should register using your legal name.
  • Although the use of an alias is allowed, unsuitable aliases will be rejected by the Moderation Team.
  • Impersonating other posters or other individuals risks the termination of your account.
  • The email details you provide us with on registration are published every time you post. If your email details change, please do not set up another Account. Simply inform the Team of any changes needed.

Rules of Engagement

Remember that other posters and members of the team are real people. Therefore, and at all times, please employ the same high standards of politeness that are expected of all of us in "real life" interactions.

  • Please take note of the text as outlined in General.
  • Please be considerate and never belittle, unduly criticize, hurt or ridicule posters and/or members of the team. Ignorance is better treated with knowledge than ridicule.
  • In all cases refrain from falsely accusing people and/or groups by conjecture like in far out conspiracy theories.
  • Racially offensive, abusive, obscene, profane or otherwise socially unacceptable language, literal or implied, and pejorative name-calling (expressed or implied) are prohibited at all times.
  • Posting something that's deliberately angry, sarcastic, sardonic, spiteful and/or otherwise mean-spirited, like racially offensive and/or abusive language, is totally unacceptable. Posting such deliberately provocative things in general and/or or aimed at other posters or members of the team just to stir up trouble will not be tolerated; the same is true for graphic and disturbing images, pornography or links to pornographic sites. All posts that fall into these categories will be instantly deleted.
  • Discussing and/or otherwise hinting at decisions of the team on any of the boards is not allowed, and may lead to account revocation. However, if in any disagreement with a decision of the team, please mail them to make your case, and allow a minimum 48 hours for a response.
  • Please do not resort to excessive use of uppercase typing - this is the equivalent of SHOUTING!
  • Do not use the Message Boards for idle chit-chat. However, chit-chat is allowed to some extent on the Miscellaneous Board.
  • Messages should be appropriate and relevant to the board on which they are posted. This includes a restriction on severe “hobby horsing” a single topic again and again.
  • Do not flood the board with large sections of cut and pasted text. It is often sufficient to quote the website URL instead. The help page will teach you how to place images and links on your posts.
  • Please indicate clearly (be specific) what point you are trying to make in your debate in your initial posting.
  • While off-topic posts that are relevant to a discussion are allowed to some extent, it is encouraged instead to start a new topic rather than derail an ongoing discussion with unrelated posts.
  • Limit yourself in posting pictures from other websites because this will use bandwidth and could also infringe copyright issues.
  • Publication of the contents of private communication between members of, in full or in part, without prior consent of all concerned parties, is prohibited. To do so, is considered an insult to the privacy of the member. Whilst private communication between members and the staff of (e.g. the moderators) is treated with the strictest of confidence, the staff of retain the right to publish such content (in full or in part) without prior consent of concerned parties, under certain conditions e.g. such as administrative problems, moderating concerns, etc. This right is also extended to our "Policy regarding Harassing, Abusive, or Otherwise Objectionable Communications" as outlined below.

Forum policy on Suspensions

Every once in a while we run into the unfortunate situation where we have to suspend members for poor conduct at the forum. We have a formal process for dealing with members who decide to break the code of conduct repeatedly. This process will only be applied in extreme cases such as personal insults, foul language, and generally persistent vindictive posting on the part of the member.

The member will receive a maximum of three warnings and on the third offence will be barred from posting for a period of time. At that point the three offensive posts will be publicly displayed at the forum with a clear explanation of why each of the posts was in breach of our code of conduct.

The reason we're doing this is so all the members can see for themselves that the banning isn't random or unwarranted. Members may see others banned and have no idea why because they have not witnessed the reoccurring behaviour that led up to the member being dismissed by the team.

We need to maintain a high standard of quality in the exchanges here to insure that we can attract more of the extremely distinguished authors we've had the pleasure of hosting. This does not in any way mean that we discourage debate; it simply means that any debate must be done within the confines of the code of conduct by all members.

We hope everyone understands the need to do this. We need to ensure that there is a mutual understanding by all members of the reason for these regrettable occurrences.

Policy regarding Harassing, Abusive, or Otherwise Objectionable Communications

All direct and/or indirect non-message board communication, for instance Email, sent to the staff of, either in official or in private capacity, will remain confidential, and will not be reproduced without permission, except in one or more of the following circumstance:

  • harassing, threatening or abusive to or any content writer or staff member thereof;
  • damaging to the reputation of or any content writer or staff member thereof;
  • serves to vilify, defame or cast aspersions against or any content writer or staff member thereof with the intent of interfering with business relationships, including, but not limited to, affiliations or service agreements (this includes ANY threatening letters to an ISP, Web host, etc., or allegations of activities in violation of applicable laws and/or service agreements).

Any such material shall become the property of The staff of shall be the sole arbiter(s) of what constitutes a communication fitting the above descriptions. Upon receipt of any such communication, or notification of receipt of any such communication by a party associated with the site, the staff of reserves the right take to take action as necessary to protect their rights and interests, with or without prior notice to the person(s) or group(s) responsible for said communication.

What does this harassment section mean in plain English?

The section on harassment deals only with non message board harassing communication with members of the team – for example by email. In this we want to make sure that whenever a malicious individual emails any member of the team in:

  • a threatening and/or obscene way, and/or
  • with bragging texts about how wonderful his/her progress is on wrecking the, and/or
  • foul rants in general, etcetera,

we reserve the right to expose this malicious individual’s communication on the message boards whenever we feel there to be a need for it. This need will usually arise when we are in a process of banning said malicious individual. Our regular posters usually are not aware of some of the bickering that goes on “off board” and can therefore sometimes have difficulty in understanding why “happy such and so” suddenly is banned. When exposing, we can show the general public the true intent of some malicious posters and we do not want to be hampered by “copyright issues”.

Image by Ingi

Copyright Issues

Rules for non-message board content

  • All non-message board content of the is protected by copyright.
  • All non-message board content of the may be saved, printed, copied, etc. for personal use.
  • You can quote non-message board content of the and make use of these materials freely as allowed by locally applicable Fair Use Doctrines.
  • Please credit the source if you excerpt any non-message board content of the
  • It is not allowed to sell access to any of the non-message board content of the or redistribute them for profit, or otherwise commercially exploit them, without the written permission of the
    This includes the use, reproduction, modification, adapting, publishing, translating and distributing of any non-message board content of the (in whole or part), worldwide and/or to incorporate it in other works in any form, media, or technology now known or hereafter developed for the full term of any copyright that may exist in such non-message board content of the

Rules for message board content

  • When posting on any of the message boards remember to give credit to the authorship and Copyright of any references or articles that are linked to and/or included in said post, and take note of any "All Rights Reserved" Notices on Website Pages/Articles.
  • Unless otherwise and previously arranged with, all content submitted to any part of that is freely accessible to other visitors and/or posters of the, for instance the message boards, the submitting entity automatically grants, or warrants that the owner of such Content has expressly granted, the royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate and distribute the Content (in whole or part) worldwide and/or to incorporate it in other works in any form, media, or technology now known or hereafter developed for the full term of any copyright that may exist in such Content. The submitting entity also permits any visitors and/or posters of the to access, view, store or reproduce the Content for that visitor and/or poster of the personal use. Subject to this grant, the owner of Content placed on the retains any and all rights which may exist in such Content.

What does this Copyright section mean in plain English?

  • For all non message board content, normal copyright rules are valid, so no real need here for “plain English” elaborations.
  • For all message board content the following is applicable:
    • We are safeguarding ourselves against people who want to sue the whenever a poster accidentally copy/pastes copyright protected material on the and nobody from the team notices this post in time. We do this by requiring a grant for use, automatically given by the very same poster who has forgotten to respect the copyrights of others when posting on the message boards. So when push comes to shove, the can’t be sued. The poster can.
    • does not own anything a poster posts on one of the message boards, and therefore does not claim to own what a poster posts on one of the message boards. Even stronger, does not even want to own what a poster posts on one of the message boards.


No commercially-motivated messages, such as advertisements or links to commercial websites. It is okay to put links in your messages if these are informative and directly relevant to a discussion. Any other links should be sent to, so they can be considered for our links section.